Quick Start Videos
Quick Start is a series of videos (no more than 5 minutes) to get you started on the road to healthy eating and exercising. My goal is to motivate, inspire and encourage you to live a happy, active life. It doesn't matter your age or where you are in your fitness journey, it's never to late to make a change!
Yes, change is hard. Change takes work. It takes consistency and commitment. Please don't give up. Stick with it. If you give up, you’ll never get there and just start the cycle over. I want you to succeed! So today, take one step. Do it slowly. Tomorrow, you can take another step and you will set yourself up for success by taking it one day at a time. Love and Hugs. Cheri
Change your mindset and do a paradigm shift. I want you to be all in!! It's take's a 100% of your effort to achieve your goals. Life is too short and why do you want to be uncomfortable and have a list of excuses WHY you can't do something! Believe in yourself and know anything is possible with effort and discipline.
Your Nutrition is key to healing your body from the inside out. As we age sugar and carbohydrates are the biggest culprits when it comes to the middle-age bulge. They also cause pain and inflammation in our joints especially if you have arthritis. Avoid these two substances and you will thank yourself.
Health problems can interfere or even overshadow other aspects of your life. One way to improve your ability to cope with stress and feel better is to make a commitment to healthier habits. Health problems can make daily tasks more challenging and create financial stress. Decide TODAY to make a change. I am routing for you!
Please email me if you have any more suggestions for a Quick Start Video
Email: cheri@cherischultz.com