Personal One-on-One Chair Yoga Classes
Yoga has been shown to improve overall health when practiced regularly. As with many forms of exercise, it can be modified for people of varying abilities. Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be done sitting in a chair and some of the benefits of chair yoga include:
Improved flexibility - Better Concentration - Increased Strength - Reduce Stress and Joint Strain
Why not join me for a 45 minute, gentle Chair Yoga routine where we can stretch, increase our flexibility and build strength all in the comfort of our own home. Looking forward to seeing you on the other side. Namaste'

Once I receive payment, I will personally send you an email
to set up a Day and Time for your personal Chair Yoga Class!
Classes will be performed via Zoom and this fee is for a one time class.
Zoom is a FREE software which can be downloaded to any electronic device. The link will be provided in the email I sent out.